Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ants weren't Gone

I've been busy eating crow and freaking out the last few days.  My last entry said my ants were gone. Yippee!  NO!  NEIT! NEIN! NOPE! NADA! H.E. TO THE DOUBLE L NO! 

My last post about the ants saying they were gone was a big fat lie.  Yes, I super cleaned my kitchen.  I used all the natural ingredients on Google & Pinterest I could read about. 

*I cleaned...and cleaned, and cleaned
*Squirted lemons since they don't like the smell 
*Used Dawn dish soap for the film it leaves behind. 
*I rubbed bay leaves all over my kitchen
*I chalked my kitchen until it looked like a crack house 
*I even put out Raid ant traps...  Misgrudgingly of course.  Hubby insisted these traps are all the same.  Ooooohhhhhh no! They most definitely aren't. 

Screaming and yelling at my hubby (poor hubby, I was hysterical) to get what I asked for and nothing else. He finally got the Terro Ant Liquid Baits.  I don't drive.  Sorry Hubby!

Gross!  Yes!  But, at least I'm not waking up to ants all over my kitchen but just around the 2 baits out of the 8 put around the kitchen.  

The Raid baits did nothing.  They are now getting more action than they did throughout the past 3 days. 

I'll keep you posted, but the take-a-way  is don't use the o'natural way.  Get the baits!

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