Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ants on the Kitchen Counter... Oh No!

This morning I awoke to a swarm of ants on my kitchen counter.  Yikes!  What to do?  My family doesn't like to use harsh chemicals if we don't have to... Hence, the photo of a lemon, chalk, and bay leaves.  I'm not a extremist, though.  If this doesn't work then the bleach and spray can of chemicals needs to come out!

Today, the first day, I washed the counters down well.  I also washed the walls and kitchen floor, too.   Then I used a damp paper towel and covered it with lemon juice.  Ants supposedly hate lemons & bay leaves.  Well, then I strategically placed bits of bay leaves around the counter.  Next will be chalk rubbed into all the edges and crevices. 

So, stay in touch and see how my journey to get rid of these horrid ants goes.  Oh my!

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