Saturday, June 8, 2013

An Introduction and Tadpole Analogy

So here goes...  My first blog article.  No fancy magazine pics.  No Norman Rockwell family descriptions. Just my family's true story.  We'll start off slow and eventually we'll get into the groove of things.  Perhaps, if I'm very good, Hubby will join us on this blog quest, too.  

Let's get started.

This year we moved to a new place in NJ.  Our place has a nice Main Street and a great park with the public library directly across from it.  This is where our 4 year old plays and gets to fish in the fresh water pond.  During a fun day of fishing, cutie pie noticed tiny things swimming in the water.  "Look, Daddy, tadpoles!"  Well, if we aren't the happiest parents in the world!  Baby, knows what tadpoles are.  So, of course Hubby went and got some (around 30 - yikes!) for cutie pie to see the metamorphosis of tadpole to frog/toad.  At first, Cutie-Pie was totally into it.  He gave them an overabundance of fish flake food.  (We found fish flakes the best choice.)  Then pppplllhh!  He could care less about the tadpoles.  Well, 19 died died within the first 5 days.  We had them in too much water.  No rocks or plants for them to rest or get oxygen from.  Strangely, I found the roots of the wild violet plants in our yard work great in the water!  So... now I'm changing the water and I'm the one mesmerized by our tadpoles' transformation.  Who knew I'd be so into nature?  Ew!
Park where tadpoles were found.  Just make sure if it's legal to catch wildlife and bring it home.

Cutie-Pie Fishing in Park
Tadpoles and Emerging Froglet

Tadpole Paradise: rocks (for resting), wild violets (for oxygen), sand from natural habitat, and bottled water (tap will kill them).

Home Sweet Home

Ah, what we do for our kids and pets.

Dinner time!
Just like our tadpoles, we moved (from NYC, to Seattle, to the Philadelphia suburbs, to Our Town) in NJ.  All due to my career in fashion, Hubby and I have lived in a few places but we're so glad to be settled in our new home, early this year.  Alas, the recession hit us hard, too, so we hope we can own our own home soon.

We've gotten so much better with our finances over the years through: bulk shopping, coupons, barely eating out and ordering in.  Long gone are the days of fluff and fold laundry service.  I must confess, I miss having my laundry done for me.  Our transformation as been slow and a bit painful.  However, I am excited our new home has a washer and dryer, dish washer, and a microwave.  I no longer feel as though I'm in a state of perpetual cleaning & cooking.  Yippee!  One would never realize I use to be a  fashion designer.   Ahhhhh, but that's a story for another day.  

See you again soon.